PM calls for organ donation registration to save lives

(VOVWORLD) - Organ and tissue donation is one of the most precious gifts one can give to another, Prime Minister Pham Minh Chinh said at Sunday’s ceremony at Hanoi-based Viet Duc Friendship Hospital to launch a campaign calling on people to sign up for organ and tissue donation. 
PM calls for organ donation registration to save lives   - ảnh 1PM  Pham Minh Chinh (fourth from left) and representatives of agencies and organizations launch the campaign calling on people to sign up for organ donation, Hanoi, May 19, 2024.

In Vietnam, thousands of people have been saved thanks to the sharing and compassion of kindhearted individuals, he said, adding that the campaign is a significant event with profound humanitarian value.

The Prime Minister urged ministries, agencies, and local authorities to work more closely on communication to encourage people to register for organ and tissue donation. He emphasized the need to improve mechanisms, policies, and timely, effective solutions to promote donation and transplant activities.

At the ceremony, 3,812 people including PM Chinh and leaders of many ministries, agencies, and local authorities signed up for organ and tissue donation.  

