PM calls for religious resources for national development

(VOVWORLD) -Prime Minister Nguyen Xuan Phuc has affirmed that religious unity, national harmony, and respecting and ensuring freedom of belief and religion are basic policies of the Party and State.
PM calls for religious resources for national development  - ảnh 1 Prime Minister Nguyen Xuan Phuc (standing) meets religious dignitaries in Da Nang on August 9, 2019. (Photo: VGP/Quang Hieu) 

At Friday’s meeting in Da Nang city with 126 dignitaries representing 43 religious organizations nationwide, Mr. Phuc said that interests of each religion are intertwined with those of the nation. He pointed out difficulties and challenges the State’s religious affairs are facing and urged religious dignitaries and followers to continue contributing to national unity and the rule of law. Prime Minister Phuc said: “I called on religious dignitaries to continue working with the government and local authorities to set an example for religious followers. Efforts should be made to promote cultural and ethical values and religious resources for national development and improve people’s lives. Dignitaries and leaders of religious organizations should continue standing side by side with relevant agencies to address issues related to religious affairs in the spirit of respecting the rule of the law, and ensuring all people’s right to belief and religion freedom.”

Prime Minister Phuc called on religious dignitaries and followers to continue participating in emulation movements and poverty reduction efforts to boost socio-economic development. He also spoke highly of the cultural values and morality of religions in building a civilized lifestyle.


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