Birmingham’s culture and food

Birmingham’s culture and food

(VOVWORLD) -Birmingham is the UK’s second-biggest city, but what makes Birmingham distinctive? Our guest today is John Hutton, a young teacher, who will tell us some interesting things...
The Art of Moroccan Tea Drinking

The Art of Moroccan Tea Drinking

(VOVWORLD) - Tea has, for centuries, been an indispensable part of the Moroccans’ everyday culture. Not only is tea a drink to quench the thirst, but it is also a symbol of...
Changes in China’s Spring Festival celebration

Changes in China’s Spring Festival celebration

(VOVWORLD) - As in Vietnam, Spring Festival or Lunar New Year is the grandest festival and longest public holiday in China. During this period China is dominated by red lanterns, loud fireworks, massive banquets...
China’s Suzhou - “Venice of the East”

China’s Suzhou - “Venice of the East”

(VOVWORLD) - China’s Suzhou is one of the oldest cities in the Yangtze Basin dating back more than 2,500 years. As the Chinese saying states, "In heaven there is paradise; on earth are Suzhou...
Israel’s Tu Bishvat – New Year for the trees

Israel’s Tu Bishvat – New Year for the trees

(VOVWORLD) - January 25 this year marks the Jewish holiday of Tu Bishvat – New Year for the trees – when early bloomers wake up from winter and nature lovers celebrate the season by planting tiny shoots at sites all...
Flamenco, a traditional folk dance of Spain

Flamenco, a traditional folk dance of Spain

(VOVWORLD) - Spain is famous for lots of things including the sexy, wild dancing called flamenco. If you want to learn more about this traditional folk dance of Spain, stick around as...
Diwali - Festival of Lights – the biggest in India

Diwali - Festival of Lights – the biggest in India

(VOVWORLD) - Diwali, the festival of lights, is celebrated across India with great enthusiasm as it symbolises the victory of good over evil. Marking the return of Lord Rama to Ayodha after 14 years of exile...
2020 Christmas celebrations during COVID-19 in US

2020 Christmas celebrations during COVID-19 in US

(VOVWORLD) - How will Covid-19 affect Christmas this year? From Santa bubbles to drive-through decorations, the socially distanced year will give us a masked Christmas like no other. In today’s program,...
Eid Al-Adha, the Festival of Sacrifice, in Oman

Eid Al-Adha, the Festival of Sacrifice, in Oman

(VOVWORLD) - “Eid al-Adha,” the "Sacrifice Feast," is the second Muslim holiday celebrated in Oman each year. The festival marks the end of the traditional pilgrimage season to Mecca. A large number of animals are...
Advent in Germany – Counting days till Christmas!

Advent in Germany – Counting days till Christmas!

(VOVWORLD) - In many western countries, including Germany, the time from December 1st to December 24th is called Advent, which means before Christmas Eve. Parents give their children calendars counting down the days. Each day in...
Pakistan’s traditional wedding celebration and ceremony

Pakistan’s traditional wedding celebration and ceremony

(VOVWORLD) - Pakistani weddings epitomise the richness of the culture. A single wedding contains many elements of local traditions. Pakistani weddings are explosions of colour, beautifully embroidered flowing fabrics in silks and chiffon, tantalizing food,...
Things you should know about Oman

Things you should know about Oman

(VOVWORLD) - Many Vietnamese people know Oman only as the home of mythical characters whose stories continue to be told around the globe. But the Sultanate of Oman is a veritable kaleidoscope of history, culture, heritage,...
Interesting Bhutan’s facts

Interesting Bhutan’s facts

(VOVWORLD) - Bhutan is a country unlike any other, a land where monks still meditate for years in the sacred caves to the East. A country ruled by a monarch who freely gave up his absolute power to...
Germany’s Closed Sundays

Germany’s Closed Sundays

(VOVWORLD) - Germany’s long, rich history contains many strange cultural anomalies. One of them is Closed Sundays. In this week’s Cultural Rendezvous, Christian Oster, a former German journalist, will...
How do German people separate their garbage?

How do German people separate their garbage?

(VOVWORLD) - Far too much rubbish is produced all over the world. Every German produces around 450 kilograms of garbage per year. Germans are known for being particularly careful in separating and recycling their waste. Is...