Promoting Thang Long imperial citadel

(VOVworld) - Hanoi has announced a plan to name the Imperial Citadel of Thang Long at 18 Hoang Dieu Street Hanoi, an historical and cultural park. The imperial city has been recognized as a World Cultural Heritage Site by UNESCO.

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Thang Long imperial citadel was recognized as a World Cultural Heritage Site by UNESCO two years ago. The site boasts some unique sculpture, amazing architecture, and an advanced construction technique for the time. The architecture and archeological finds over the year show the scale of Imperial Citadel as well as give an insight into royalty over many centuries. The relics found in the citadel’s center and the artifacts excavated show evidence of a lengthy culture influenced by external cultures. This created a unique political, economic and cultural center in the lower Red River Valley. UNESCO recognition of the royal citadel is due to: the variety of relics that remain at the site, the length of citadel’s cultural history and its continuity as a the center of power. The Prime Minister’s decision to designate Thang Long imperial city as a historical park has helped to promote the value of this heritage site. Pham Cao Phong is Secretary General of Vietnam UNESCO Committee: "The Prime Minister’s approval is very important as now the world will get an insight in Vietnam’s heritage, beauty, history and tradition. It will also help to educate the younger generations about Vietnam’s history".

One of the most important areas in the park is the archeological site. During the transformation, the archaeological excavations at the site will be preserved, with some being turned into underground galleries depicting the original archaeological finds with some important archaeological finds displayed in glass cases. Any new structures built on the site will not exceed five meters in height and will be designed to create an airy, open feeling with good views of the surrounding area. An underpass will also be built to connect the archeological site at 18 Hoang Dieu street with the Imperial Citadel. Once it becomes a historical park, the ancient citadel will become more accessible to the public. Historian Le Van Lan says: "One of the special features of this plan is that the park has no walls. This means it will be open to the public, an invitation for them to visit."

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The plan will help the public and tourists to learn more about the citadel and its archeological and architectural values, but also help scientists work out better ways of preserving it.

Dao Ngoc Nghiem is a former Director of Hanoi Architectural Planning Department: "The Prime Minister’s plan defines the architectural planning as well as how to develop the site in the future. This will help Hanoi to promote the value of its heritage and boost tourism while introducing the city to people around the region and the world" 

As part of the plan, Hanoi will introduce special regulations for managing the architectural planning and archeological excavations. The city will continue to explore and promote the values of Thang Long Imperial Citadel to tourists, both inside and outside the country.

