Vietnamese culture from a Russian point of view

(VOVworld) – The book “Vietnam - the land of Dragons and Fairies” by Russian author Daria Mishukova was introduced to Vietnamese readers in Hanoi early this month. Mishukova herself translated her book which gives readers an insight into Vietnam’s culture from a foreigner’s point of view into Vietnamese.

The book, written in the summer of 2006 following a trans-Vietnam trip provides readers with information about the history and culture of the S-shaped country whose people call themselves children of the Dragon and the Fairy. Mishukova spoke at the launch of her book in Vietnamese: “The book “Vietnam - the land of Dragons and Fairies” introduces the diverse culture and history of Vietnam and their peculiarities in the modern world. The more globalization advances the more important cultural values become.”

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The Vietnamese version of the book

The book includes chapters on the history, nature, climate, cities, beauty spots, festivals, and customs of Vietnam and the characteristics of the Vietnamese people. It also examines Vietnamese money, the Ao dai or traditional long dress, public markets and how Vietnamese people receive guests or navigate the streets from Mishukova’s personal perspective. Translator Thuy Toan, Director of the East-West Language and Culture Center said: “This book is a good example of Vietnam-Russia cultural cooperation. It’s been a long time since a Russian author has written a book about Vietnam. This book was first published in 2007 and republished in 2010. Mishukova translated the book into Vietnamese with the help of professor Ha Minh Duc and the editors of the National Political Publishing House.”

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Daria Mishukova

Born in 1979, Mishukova is a 3rd generation researcher of Vietnam studies in Russia. To write the book in 3 months, Mishukova had to study Vietnamese for 10 years and wrote her doctoral thesis after traveling to several provinces and cities across Vietnam. Professor Ha Minh Duc described her book as a detailed research of Vietnam: “This is the work of a young cultural researcher, who is sensitive to the arts and literature of Vietnam, its land and people.”

Mishukova’s book delves into all aspects of everyday life in Vietnam including people’s habits and behaviors. The book provides food for thought for every Vietnamese, yet it speaks of Mishukova’s love for the country and its people. Mishukova’s book has been welcomed in both Russia and Vietnam and some tourism companies are recommending it as a useful handbook for foreign tourists in Vietnam.   

To Tuan  

