An Giang exports first green-peel elephant mangos to Australia, US

(VOVWORLD) - The Mekong Delta province of An Giang exported its first batch of green-peel elephant mangos to Australia and the US on January 5, paving the way for other local fruits to penetrate foreign markets.
An Giang exports first green-peel elephant mangos to Australia, US - ảnh 1Ceremony marks the export of An Giang green-peel elephant mangos to Australia and the US (Photo: VOV)

The export contract was signed between the GAP Cu Lao Gieng Cooperative of Cho Moi district and the Vina T&T Export and Import Company. Six tons of green-peel elephant mangos were tagged with growing area codes and exported to Australia and one ton was sent to the US.

Nguyen Dinh Muoi, Deputy General Director of Vina T&T, said the shipment affirms the quality of An Giang’s mangos, marks a milestone for the province’s agriculture sector, and opens new economic opportunities.

“The first export of mangos to Australia and the US marks a sustainable cooperation between Vina T&T, An Giang province, cooperatives, and farmers. Every import country has technical requirements that we have to follow. We have encouraged farmers to adhere to technical standards. We plan to export mangos to many more markets,” Muoi said.

An Giang exports first green-peel elephant mangos to Australia, US - ảnh 2An Giang green-peel elephant mangos are tagged with growing area codes for export. (Photo: VOV)

Cho Moi has 6,500 hectares of mango cultivation, the largest area in An Giang province. Green-peel elephant mangos are mainly grown in Tan My, My Hiep, and Binh Phuoc Xuan, spanning 4,200 hectares.

An Giang province has helped farmers build irrigation systems, trained them on safe production, and issued growing area codes. It has 700 hectares of mango under VietGAP standards and has issued 41 growing area codes for 6,000 hectares of mango to export to China, the US, South Korea, Japan, and Australia.

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