Arbitrary sovereignty claim worthless

(VOVworld) – The 9-dash line (or cow-tongue line) which China unilaterally draws in the East Sea has provoked not only Vietnamese scholars and researchers, but also Chinese scholars. Recently, a Chinese scholar whose pen name is Li Woteng, posted on Sina, China’s biggest internet forum, an article entitled “The nine-dash line: keep or eliminate” to expose the irrational claim. The article shows that truth is still respected and China cannot arbitrarily announce sovereignty over territory it has never owned.

Arbitrary sovereignty claim worthless - ảnh 1
A Chinese map drawn in 1904 doesn't include Truong Sa and Hoang Sa archipelages. (photo:

The article says international scholars have always said that the key issue in the East Sea isn’t sovereignty over the islands, but the “9-dash line”. Li says nations bordering the East Sea have arguments and evidence of their sovereignty over the islands. Only China’s “9-dash line” claim has no evidence. China has talked a lot about the “9-dash line” but has only a vague explanation of what the “9-dash line” is. The Chinese government has no original documents that clearly define the “9-dash line”. In fact, the “9-dash line” was drawn on the map arbitrarily. This shows the “9-dash line” has no concrete legal basis.

This is not the first time Chinese scholars have voiced am objection to the “9-dash line”. Li’s arguments echo many other opinions against the claim.

An article entitled “Erroneous war illusion” posted on China’s Global News publicly rejected the “9-dash line” and warned that “People who advocate war have weak minds. A fragile and deceitful self-respect cannot make success. Warlike minds will lead to injustice”.

Xue Litai, a famous scholar and commentator for Hongkong’s Phoenix online newspaper, pointed out 5 problems with the “9-dash line”. First, China drew 11 dashes on the map without demarcating the marine boundary with neighboring countries and without international acknowledgement. Second, China has never said whether the “9-dash line” is a national border line or a traditional demarcation in the sea. Beijing has not presented any definition, longitude, or latitude for the line, but has simply drawn the line on their maps. How can they persuade others? Xue said if Beijing affirms that the “9-dash line” is China’s national border line, why has China never mentioned this during diplomatic exchanges since Vietnam’s national unification and claim of sovereignty over scores of big and small islands within this sea area?

Li Linghua, a prestigious scholar on law and marine law, has said that China cannot evade an international questioning of the legitimacy of the “9-dash line” and must abide by international law in the East Sea. Li Linghua agreed with the article “the 9-dash line: keep or eliminate” and once again called on the Chinese government to seriously consider Li Woteng’s proposal to abandon the unjust “9-dash line”, paving the way for a resolution of all East Sea disputes.

It’s obvious that China’s “9-dash line” claim cannot persuade people who comprehend the issue. Considering the East Sea as its private bay, China seems to hope the world community will mistake the “9-dash line” for its marine border line.

But the truth must be respected, because in the globalization, people can not believe in unclear arguments in term of history, law, and reality.

