Enhancing Vietnam – Russia strategic partnership

(VOVworld) – Russian Prime Minister Dmitri Medvedev is in Vietnam for a two-day official visit at the invitation of Prime Minister Nguyen Tan Dung. This is an important political event for both nations, which shows the continuous development in bilateral relations. It also illustrates the determination of Vietnamese and Russian leaders to strengthen their comprehensive strategic partnership.
Enhancing Vietnam – Russia strategic partnership - ảnh 1
President Truong Tan Sang met with Prime Minister Dmitri Medvedev during his visit to Russia in July, 2012

Medvedev’s visit comes soon after Vietnamese President Truong Tan Sang’s visit to Russia in July, when the two countries signed a joint statement on enhancing their comprehensive strategic partnership. Medvedev’s visit to Vietnam is considered an initial step toward realizing the agreement. He said in an interview with Vietnamese media prior to his visit. "I have a good and close sentiment for Vietnamese people. This is my third visit to Vietnam and my good feeling has increased. Vietnam has changed drastically in the last 10 years. I believe my visit will help the relations of our countries. Each visit has an aim and my visit to Vietnam is to meet an old friend with a positive spirit."

Prime Minister Medvedev said he and Vietnamese leaders will discuss an array of issues related to the comprehensive strategic partnership, with a principal focus on economics. Two-way trade turnover from the beginning of the year to September was at 1.77 billion USD. The year’s total is expected to reach 3 billion USD. But trade with Vietnam accounts for only 0.5% of Russia’s foreign trade. The two countries hope to raise this revenue to 7 billion USD by 2015. Russia operates 80 direct investment projects in Vietnam with a registered capital of 950 million USD. Vietnam and the Russia – Belarus – Kazakhstan Customs Union completed a Free Trade Agreement impact assessment and are scheduled to begin FTA negotiations next year.

Russia and Vietnam want to boost cooperation in the energy, oil, and gas sectors and intend to expand the cooperation in science, technology, education, and training begun by the former Soviet Union. Chairman of the Russia – Vietnam Friendship Association, Vladimir Buianov, is confident in Medvedev’s trip. "Prime Minister Medvedev’s visit will promote the implementation of what was approved during President Truong Tan Sang’s visit to Russia. The cooperative agreement signed by the Friendship Associations of Vietnam and Russia will boost bilateral relations," Buianov said.

Prime Minister Medvedev’s visit marks a milestone in bilateral cooperation and comprehensive strategic partnership.

