Initial results of implementing Party Resolution

(VOVworld) – The implementation of the 4th Resolution of the 11th Party Central Committee (PCC) on “urgent issues in Party building” over the past year has consolidated and improved the Party’s capability and created consensus on Party building. The awareness on Party building of the cadres and Party members has gradually increased and every individual and organization has implemented specific measures to carry out Party building work in the spirit of the PCC’s 4th Resolution.
Initial results of implementing Party Resolution  - ảnh 1
Party General Secretary Nguyen Phu Trong reviewed the implementation of the 4th Resolution of the 11th Party Central Committee in Ho Chi Minh city on Mar 29, 2013 (photo: Vu Duy)

The 4th Resolution of the 11th Party Central Committee has met the expectation of the people and Party with specific measures focusing on improving the Party organization from the central to the grassroots level. It shows the Party’s determination to purify itself by seriously analyzing weaknesses and shortcomings and resolving them. After the issuance of the Resolution, the Politburo and the Secretariat introduced uniform documents to guide the implementation of the Resolution throughout the Party. The Politburo and the Secretariat reviewed the performance of the cooperatives and individuals, looked at the reality without indulgence or avoidance, pointed out what has and hasn’t been done, including issues of the previous tenures’ responsibility.

Every issue was examined and resolved clearly and transparently. After reviewing, debating, and listening to comments, each member of the Politburo and the Secretariat acknowledged their responsibilities, introduced their plans to promote strong points and repair weaknesses under the supervision of the collective. The Politburo and the Secretariat’s courageous attitude toward acknowledging mistakes have a mass influence. Party agencies, organizations, and standing committees at all levels, leaders, and Party members conducted self-criticism and criticism in a frank and serious manner. Le Khanh Chau, Secretary of Tuong Mai ward’s Party cell in Hanoi, says: "No one can purify you better than you can yourself. The key is our attitude toward our own strengths and weaknesses. One should not be afraid of his weaknesses, or avoid or cover up his weaknesses. It’s important to acknowledge what you have and haven’t done. The Secretary should examine his strong and weak points, his capacity, responsibilities, and objective factors. It’s also the attitude of a Party member toward the 4th Resolution and the Party."

The implementation of the 4th Resolution has been a widespread political drive in the Party, which consolidates ideological consensus in the Party Committees, organizations and members.

Many innovative measures have been implemented in localities. Dong Nai province collected the people’s opinions; Ho Chi Minh city imposed 6 groups of measures including 52 specific tasks; Da Nang, Binh Dinh, Kon Tum, Quang Binh, Thua Thien-Hue, Dac Lac, Phu Yen, and Khanh Hoa combined the implementation of the 4th Resolution and training on Party discipline supervision and monitoring. The self-criticism and criticism process has reinforced unity and agreement within the Party cells. Pham The Duyet, former member of the Politburo and President of the Vietnam Fatherland Front, comments: "The Party Central Committee implemented the Resolution thoroughly and strictly with high responsibility. The process touched upon important issues in Party building, reformed the organization, and handled wrong activities in central to local units."

After criticizing, Party Committees at all levels and localities have actively repaired their mistakes by specific and practical activities. The Politburo reallocated some high-ranking officials. The Party Committee's Central Inspection Commission investigated and disciplined some officials at the city and provincial levels. The Party Central Committee formed the Internal Affairs Committee, the Economic Affairs Committee, and the Steering Committee on Anti-Corruption, directed the amendment of the Law on Preventing and Combating Corruption, and compiled the personnel plans for the Party Central Committee, the Politburo, the Secretariat, and key positions of the Party and State for the 2016-2021 tenure and the following years.

The 4th Resolution will be implemented regularly and steadily by every Party cell and Party member. It will create opportunities for cadres and Party members to comment on each other to promptly recognize and repair their mistakes. It’s also an important basis to build competent human resources to lead the national development in the future.


