National Assembly’s Q&A session

(VOVworld) – The ongoing National Assembly session reserves two and a half days for Q&A activities with 4 cabinet members. Deputy Prime Minister Nguyen Xuan Phuc clarified a number of issues concerning the government’s socio-economic management and regulation. Ngoc Anh reports:

The Q&A session at the National Assembly is aimed at clarifying issues of public concern. At this session, National Assembly deputies sent 61 questions to the Prime Minister and 15 ministers.

Issues of public concern will be questioned

4 ministers will be questioned including the Minister of Agriculture and Rural Development, the Minister of Industry and Trade, the Minister of Science and Technology, and the Minister of Education and Training. On Friday morning, Deputy Prime Minister Nguyen Xuan Phuc clarified a number of issues concerning the government’s socio-economic management and regulation and answered a number of questions raised by the deputies. Le Bo Linh, Deputy head of the National Assembly’s Committee for Science, Technology and Environment and a member of the National Assembly session’s secretariat, said: “The issues raised at the Q&A session are crucial to socio-economic development and the links between production and consumption.”

The session focused on measures to develop Vietnam’s export market now that Vietnam has signed many free trade agreements and is negotiating several others; find outlets for Vietnamese farm produce; boost the circulation of made-in-Vietnam products; improve the regulation of prices of a number of essential goods such as petroleum, electricity, and coal; apply science and technology in production to improve competitiveness towards sustainable growth; and effectively implement the National Assembly resolution on reforming school textbooks and the organization of national exams.

Practical action is needed after the Q&A session     

National Assembly deputies and voters nationwide hope that the ministers will have specific answers to address issues of their concern. Le Nhu Tien, Deputy head of the National Assembly’s Committee for Culture, Education, Youth, Adolescents and Children, said: “It is of paramount importance to determine the responsibility of each individual instead of trying to find more information through the Q&A session. Practical action is needed after the Q&A session otherwise the hearing would be in vain.”

Many deputies agreed that the ministers’ action plans will be the measure of their responsibility and dedication. Nguyen Thanh Hai, a deputy for Hoa Binh province, said: “National Assembly deputies can make questions throughout the year, not just at any National Assembly session. I and many other deputies are very concerned about what will be done after the Q&A session. Results of the Q&A session will help to boost socio-economic development.”

Hearings at the National Assembly have been held in a frank, open, and constructive manner to seek practical measures for Vietnam to move forward.    

