Promoting people-to-people diplomacy

(VOVworld)- People-to-people diplomacy has contributed greatly to the success of Vietnam’s diplomacy over the years promoting Vietnam’s foreign policies and strengthening other countries’ trust in and support for Vietnam. They have also supported the implementation of Vietnam’s socio-economic targets. On the occasion of the 5th National Congress of the Vietnam Union of Friendship Organizations, VOV editor Anh Huyen reports on promoting people-to-people diplomacy as part of Vietnam’s international integration.

Promoting people-to-people diplomacy - ảnh 1
President of the Vietnam Union of Friendship Organizations Vu Xuna Hong presents insignia to Seyyed Kamal Sajadi, President of Iranian-Vietnamese Friendship Association

Being a political-social organization in charge of promoting people-to-people diplomacy, the Vietnam Union of Friendship Organizations has over the past few years brought into play its dynamism in promoting peace, solidarity, friendship and cooperation between peoples. The organization has also contributed to mobilizing non-governmental assistance and explaining Party guidelines and state policies to international friends.

Enhancing national strength and status

In the last five years, 240 delegations totaling 2,800 visitors have come to Vietnam for the sake of peace, solidarity and friendship. The Union has organized 3,000 external activities and meetings with international partners, and established partnerships with more than 1,000 national, regional and global organizations. Vu Xuan Hong is President of the Vietnam Union of Friendship Organizations: "Thousands of meetings and contacts with hundreds of delegations have helped international friends better understand Vietnam. As a result, relations between Vietnam and other countries have been strengthened thus enhancing international friends’ solidarity and support for Vietnam"..

Because the global economic crisis has ended and Vietnam has been reclassified as a middle-income country, non-governmental assistance for Vietnam in the last five years has totaled 1.4 billion USD. The disbursed capital has helped changed many localities, especially in remote ethnic minority areas. Through many non-governmental projects, thousands of hectares of land contaminated by landmines and bombs have been safely decontaminated boosting local people’s livelihoods and production. Don Tuan Phong is Vice President of the Vietnam Union of Friendship Organizations: “In the last five years, we have received nearly 200 non-governmental organizations. This is an impressive figure considering that Vietnam has become a middle-income country. The value of aid to Vietnam has surpassed 300 million USD a year, counting disbursed capital and non-refundable ODA”

Vietnam has also received strong support from international friends. In 2013, Vietnam was elected to the UN Human Rights Council for the 2014-2016 term.

Pursuing international integration policy

In a letter to the Vietnam Union of Friendship Organizations on the occasion of the organization’s 60th founding anniversary 3 years ago, former President Nguyen Minh Triet stressed that during Vietnam’s past liberation struggle and current national renovation, the national unity bloc and international support created invincible strength. In its next term, the Union intends to continue promoting people-to-people diplomacy. Mr. Phong again: “In the next term, the Vietnam Union of Friendship Organizations will continue to develop in both scope and scale and promote the policy of comprehensive international integration. We give priority to developing people-to-people relationships with other countries, especially those in the ASEAN community”.

In addition to external activities carried out by the Party, State and the National Assembly, people-to-people diplomacy is contributing greatly to the creation of a favorable international environment for national development.

