Q&A to seek effective solutions to national development

(VOVWORLD) - The National Assembly began its Q&A session on Tuesday as part of the legislature’s oversight activities. The two-and-a half-day session drew great attention from the public as it addressed voters’ concerns and solutions to boost national development.
Q&A to seek effective solutions to national development - ảnh 1From the left: Minister of Agriculture and Rural Development Le Minh Hoan, Minister of Finance Ho Duc Phoc, Governor of the State Bank of Vietnam Nguyen Thi Hong, Minister of Transport Nguyen Van The (Photo: VOV)

High on the agenda are issues concerning finance, banking, transportation, agriculture, and rural development. Deputy Prime Minister Pham Binh Minh will answer deputies’ questions to conclude each section.

Questions are carefully chosen

Issues raised in the Q&A session are grouped by source and topic. The NA Standing Committee has collected proposals and questions from voters and deputies, as well as issues raised in government reports, by the NA’s Economic Commission, and in NA discussions on socio-economic issues.

Bui Van Cuong, NA Secretary General and Head of the NA Office, says the NA Standing Committee has carefully considered issues for the NA deputies’ discussions. The Committee has collected questions from various sources which are based on the actual situation and voters’ aspirations and concerns. The issues to be discussed at the session will affect Vietnam’s socio-economic recovery and development, said Mr. Cuong.

Mr. Cuong said: "The Q&A session reflects people’s aspirations and concerns. Under the law, issues for the Q&A are sent to NA deputy delegations and agencies and then submitted to the Council for Ethnic Affairs and NA Committees for comment before being discussed at the Q&A session.  NA agencies and the NA Standing Committee will vote to decide those issues."

Q&A to seek effective solutions to national development - ảnh 2National Assembly Chairman Vuong Dinh Hue addresses the meeting (photo: quochoi.vn)

Momentum for development created

Voters closely follow the Q&A session, where they hope their concerns will be addressed by NA deputies and leaders. The issues have been sorted into four groups. One group, related to the security market, business bonds, manipulation of the stock market, and the Resolution on fiscal and monetary policy for Vietnam’s socio-economic recovery and development program, will be addressed by the Minister of Finance and Governor of the State Bank of Vietnam Nguyen Thi Hong. Ms. Hong, who is not a NA deputy, will talk about the NA resolution on restructuring credit organizations, dealing with ineffective commercial banks, bad debts, credit management, security lending, real estate, and business bonds.

Deputy Prime Minister Le Minh Khai, Minister of Planning and Investment, Minister of Finance, Minister of Construction, Minister of Public Security, Inspector General of the Government, State Auditor General, Chief Justice of the Supreme People's Court, and Prosecutor General will also take part in the session.

NA Chairman Vuong Dinh Hue said: "The NA will spend two and a half days on the Q&A session. NA deputies have been asked to discuss issues in a frank, constructive manner to make the session more effective and ensure that  voters’ concerns are properly addressed."

