Rallying people’s wisdom to revising the 1992 Constitution

(VOVworld) - The collection of public opinions on revising the 1992 Constitution has received responses from the wide public of all social strata including the intelligentsia, businesspeople, and workers. The initial results have shown the people’s mastery right and role and mobilized the public’s wisdom on this national issue.

Rallying people’s wisdom to revising the 1992 Constitution - ảnh 1

 The referendum to the revised 1992 Constitution has been an important political campaign nationwide over the last 3 months. Nearly 30,000 meetings were held by ministries, sectors, localities, associations, and organizations and 20 million recommendations were collected. In addition to a majority of agreements, the public have recommended a number of ideas to improve the quality of the draft Constitution. It shows that the public has listened and perceives the Constitution’s basic contents, the nation’s political institutions, human rights, civil rights and responsibilities, the function and duties of state agencies, the principles of state power organization, and the relationship between the state and the people. Head of the Government Steering Committee for reviewing the implementation of the 1992 Constitution Deputy Prime Minister Nguyen Xuan Phuc comments: "We conducted prompt and strict activities. There are many practical and constructive opinions to improve the draft revisions to the 1992 Constitution. The first referendum has been successful nationwide."

Besides the large number of recommendations, the drafting Board has acknowledged many creative activities to collect the people’s opinions. Do Van Duong, National Assembly deputy of Ho Chi Minh city, said the city has organized communicators’ groups, printed the draft revisions, delivered questionnaires to households, and objectively and honestly summarized agreeing, disagreeing, and opposing but constructive opinions. Duong said: "The number of people commenting on the draft Constitution revisions has increased. The city has 10 million people, and 5 to 6 million people made recommendations. The city has diversified communication forms to promote the referendum as a mass political drive in order to make the people understand the essence of democracy, and the state’s targets of prosperous people, a strong nation, and an equal, democratic, and civilized society."

Ministries, sectors, and localities have continued to collect public opinions at the grassroots level. Pham Van Canh is a parishioner in Ninh Binh province. "Our community organized meetings for the parishioners to contribute ideas to the draft Constitution. We are happy because it directly associates with our rights. I agree with many regulations on human rights, the regime, society, and maintaining the Party’s leadership." Canh said.

The public collection for the draft revisions to the 1992 Constitution will end on September 30, 2013, before the revisions are submitted to the National Assembly for approval.

Hong Van

