Strengthening people’s supervisory role

(VOVworld)- While commenting on revisions of the 1992 Constitution, the public has shown a special concern about their supervisory role in the performance of the State system. VOV editor Hong Van has a report on the issue.

Strengthening people’s supervisory role - ảnh 1

Many people say that the inspection and supervision of the State system plays a crucial role in implementing the public’s rights. So, it is important to develop an effective and fully functional mechanism to ensure the state system works effectively. Luong Hung Tien, Vice President of Nam Dinh province’s Fatherland Front, says: “We need to have a chapter stipulating the political system, its function and operating principles. We are developing a State of the people, by the people and for the people. All power of the state belongs to the people. The Fatherland Front, which represents people in the exercise of their supervisory role should also be powerful. So this aspect relates to the representative issue. The representation should be decentralized. The Fatherland Front is the people’s direct representative as it is closest to the people. The revisions of the 1992 Constitution should stipulate that the people’s supervision is the supreme supervision and people can directly put questions to the President and Prime Minister”.

As the functions, rights, and political, social and legal relations of the State, the Communist Party of Vietnam, the Fatherland Front, and political and social organizations are determined by the people and serve the people, it is suggested that the revised 1992 Constitution clarify the scope of supervision. Pham Ngoc Huy, President of Hung Yen province’s Fatherland Front, says: “To strengthen the people’s supervision of the Party, article 2 should be changed to stipulate that the Party is under the people’s supervision according to the Constitution and Law. Otherwise the supervision is very general. After revising the Constitution, we need to have a Supervision law to supervise the Party and the government”.

Many comments say that the revised 1992 Constitution doesn’t clearly stipulate the mechanism of power control on the areas, manner, and scope of supervision. The stipulation of the people’s direct democracy being exercised through the voters’ right of dismissal is not feasible. Many people say that if collecting people’s opinions on the Constitution must be done by the National Assembly, the principle of power belonging to the people is not fully reflected. So, it is suggested that the Constitution stipulate all the major national issues must be commented on by the people. At the same time, it is necessary to expand and fine-tune the mechanism that encourages the people’s participation in major national issues. In this regard, Vy Van Vu, President of Dong Nai province’s Fatherland Front says:“Regarding the people’s supervision of State power, it is important to stipulate that the State is under the people’s supervision and the social criticism of the Fatherland Front is equal to the Party and the State’s supervision in policy making”.

The Constitution is the fundamental law, which reflects people’s aspiration to the fullest. The fine-tuning of the Constitution in terms of a supervision mechanism to ensure that all the state power belongs to the people is an important prerequisite to ensuring the country’s social stability and sustainable development meeting the demands of the growth and a socialist state governed by law.

