Vietnam, Hungary strengthen parliamentary ties

(VOVWORLD) - NA Chairman Vuong Dinh Hue is on an official visit to Hungary at the invitation of Speaker of the Hungarian National Assembly László Kövér. The visit will bolster the comprehensive partnership and parliamentary cooperation between the two countries during post-COVID-19 recovery and development. 
Vietnam, Hungary strengthen parliamentary ties  - ảnh 1National Assembly Chairman Vuong Dinh Hue and Deputy Speaker of the Hungarian National Assembly Istvan Jakab (Photo: 

The Vietnam-Hungary relationship has developed rapidly since a Comprehensive Partnership was established in 2018 during Party leader Nguyen Phu Trong’s visit to Hungary.

Making parliamentary cooperation more practical 

The two countries’ legislatures have maintained regular exchanges and closely coordinated at multilateral parliamentary forums like the Inter-Parliamentary Union (IPU) and the Asia-Europe Parliamentary Partnership Meeting (ASEP). They have shared experience in parliamentary activities, law building, and creating favorable legal frameworks for their businesses and investors to do long-term business in each other’s country. Bilateral parliamentary cooperation has been enhanced since the two legislatures signed a cooperative agreement in 2008.

Vietnam, Hungary strengthen parliamentary ties  - ảnh 2Leaders of Mirelite Mirsa welcome NA Chairman Vuong Dinh Hue and the Vietnamese delegation on June 26, 2022 (photo: 

Despite the COVID-19 pandemic, they have maintained the exchange of talks and shared experience in legislative activities. The First Officer of the Hungarian National Assembly Márta Mátrai was the first foreign guest of the Vietnamese National Assembly in 2022. 

Vietnam and Hungary have co-organized three joint forums on improving the legal system during international integration, sustainable agriculture development and food safety, and sharing experience in COVID-19 response. 

Chairman Vuong Dinh Hue’s official visit to Hungary demonstrates Vietnam’s foreign policy of maintaining and deepening bilateral relationships and strengthening trust with partner countries.

During the visit, the two sides will organize the 4th legislative talks on fine-tuning the legal framework on GHG emission reduction, renewable energy and the green economy. A cooperative agreement between the two legislatures for the coming period is expected to be signed.

Vu Hai Ha, head of the NA’s External Relations Committee, said: "The signing of the cooperative agreement will strengthen bilateral parliamentary ties via increased exchanges of delegations between the two National Assemblies, committees, and parliamentarian groups. The Secretariats of the Vietnamese and Hungarian NAs will strengthen information and experience exchanges and work closely at international forums."

Enhancing bilateral cooperation 

Chairman Hue’s visit is expected to boost Vietnam-Hungary cooperation in all fields including trade, investment, health care, culture, education and training.  

Mr. Vu Hai Ha added:  "Hungary has granted Vietnam 200 scholarships each year over the recent past. We will work closely with Hungary to organize forums on education and training. Vietnamese students who study medicines or electronics in Hungary will contribute to national development and bilateral ties."

The Vietnam-Hungary relationship has developed steadily and Chairman Hue’s visit is expected to create a stronger foundation for more effective bilateral ties.

