Vietnam sticks to production and health safety tasks

(VOVWORLD) - The Vietnamese government at all levels and the Vietnamese people are fully engaged in the fight against COVID-19. Since last year Vietnam has kept the coronavirus pandemic under control and beefed up production.
Vietnam sticks to production and health safety tasks - ảnh 1Hai Duong province's CDC tests COVID-19 for local people. (Photo: Ministry of Health)

Vietnamese leaders at the central and local level frequently hold emergency meetings at night to direct pandemic control efforts. Border guards have reinforced checkpoints and organized more patrols along the border. Tens of thousands of soldiers, medical workers, and others have been mobilized to work at quarantine areas, disinfect public areas, and treat COVID-19 patients.

The third wave of COVID-19 is under control in Vietnam. Vietnamese people nationwide celebrated a safe Lunar New Year holiday. People visited spring flower markets and supermarkets without fear of the coronavirus because everyone has followed Vietnamese health regulations requiring masks, disinfection, distancing, no large groups, and health declaration.

Vietnam’s results acknowledged by other countries and international organizations

Many countries and international organizations have acknowledged that Vietnam is one of the countries and territories that have most effectively handled the COVID-19 pandemic.

The US magazine Business Insider ran an article Tuesday on Vietnam’s effective prevention and control of the coronavirus. It noted that on Australia’s Institute Index in January Vietnam ranked second, behind New Zealand, out of 98 countries in responding to COVID-19. The magazine said no country with a comparable population was able to control the pandemic like Vietnam. Bordering China, the epicenter of the COVID-19 pandemic, made Vietnam’s success especially remarkable.

Kamal Malhotra, UN resident coordinator in Vietnam, said Vietnam’s success in handling the virus came down to three things: contact tracing, strategic testing, and clear messaging. He said that, instead of testing everyone, Vietnam tested mainly those identified by contact tracing. The borders were shut down and everyone who came into Vietnam was quarantined in government facilities — for free. The people of Vietnam are learning to live in the “new normal”, but are still reminded to social distance and wear masks, Malhotra said in his report to the UN on Vietnam’s COVID-19 prevention model.

Resolute determination to pursue dual tasks

International media has reported on Vietnam’s economic success after containing the pandemic. While most countries struggle against COVID-19’s economic effects, Vietnam’s economy has continued with only minor hitches. Early this year, Prime Minister Nguyen Xuan Phuc issued resolutions underlining the dual tasks of protecting public health and developing the economy. The government has directed ministries, sectors, and localities to combine fiscal, monetary, and other policies to stimulate the economy, resolve production difficulties and boost growth.

Administrative agencies will continue to help businesses restore production and trade to minimize the pandemic’s effects and achieve a GDP growth of 6.5% this year.

After their experience dealing with the pandemic last year, the Vietnamese Party, government, and people strongly believe they will soon defeat the pandemic.

Those localities and sectors least affected by the pandemic have increased production. Vietnam’s economic restructuring has created breakthroughs. Product quality and quantity have increased several folds and many kinds of Vietnamese agricultural products have been exported. Sectors, other than those directly affected by the pandemic, such as tourism and entertainment, have found opportunities to grow.

To suggest that Vietnam’s economy will collapse is a distortion by reactionary forces. Vietnam’s strong determination, unity, and consensus will allow it to achieve the dual tasks set by the government.

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