First rays of the sun on Cape Dai Lanh

(VOVworld) - Located in the central province of Phu Yen, Cape Dai Lanh seems to be the first place bathed in the morning sunlight. With its picturesque landscape, Cape Dai Lanh is attracting increasing numbers of tourists to discover the magnificent spectacle of the birth of the day in nature.

First rays of the sun on Cape Dai Lanh  - ảnh 1

Cape Dai Lanh- also called Cape Varella is a spur of the Truong Son mountain range that stretches to the sea. It was visited by a French General named Varella at the end of the 19th century and was renamed. In 1890, the French built a lighthouse, prompting fishermen to call the cape Electricity Cape. The lighthouse is one of eight lighthouses in Vietnam that date back more than a century. Cape Dai Lanh is 40 km south of Tuy Hoa city in the central province of Phu Yen. To admire the sunrise, tourists often come there the night before, rather than leave Tuy Hoa at 3 a.m. The road to the site is winding and quite deserted. Mountains on one side and sea on the other make you feel small in the middle of this magnificent scenery. Nguyen Van Thu, a tourist from Hanoi, told VOV:"Today, the site is easily accessible. The scenery along the road is romantic and picturesque. It’s wonderful to breathe in the clean air on the way. If you visit Phu Yen, you must go to Cape Dai Lanh to watch the sunrise. "

First rays of the sun on Cape Dai Lanh  - ảnh 2

Visitors to Cape Dai Lanh are often amazed by its primitive nature. Visitors can go straight to the lighthouse and spend a night there or camp on Mon Beach, which is only 400 meters long, surrounded by mountains. To reach the beach, tourists musts cross 1 km of small sand dunes.It's nice to see the dawn from Mon Beach, an idyllic white sand beach washed by crystal clear waters. Tourists camp overnight to await for the sunrise. Night has fallen but Thanh Huong and her friends don’t want to go to bed. They gather around a campfire and party together until sunrise."We’re waiting to see a great show on the sea as Cape Dai Lanh is the first place to be bathed in the rays of the morning sun. We are all eager and excited."

First rays of the sun on Cape Dai Lanh  - ảnh 3
Around 5:00 in the morning, the first rays of sun sparkle on the sandy beach. Nguyen Van Thu can hardly contain its excitement: "This experience is great. Watching the sunrise here is worth a sleepless night. Words can’t describe this spectacle. The air is pure and the scenery is beautiful. The setting touches our hearts and souls" A great show with a thousand colors of sea and sky surround you. Waves are whispering and birds are singing. It’s a sacred moment you will not soon forget!

