Quang Ninh shines in industrial production despite COVID-19

(VOVWORLD) - Against the national economic decline caused by COVID-19, Quang Ninh province has maintained its growth and economic structure, thanks to its industrial production, an economic bright spot.
Quang Ninh shines in industrial production despite COVID-19  - ảnh 1Tightening disease prevention measures protects workers’ health and stabilizes production.

The epidemic has posed a severe challenge to the coal industry, one of Quang Ninh’s key industries, which has had to keep up production while ensuring health safety for tens of thousands of workers.

TKV, Vietnam’s National Coal and Minerals Group, through increased mechanization, automation, and IT applications, has managed to boost productivity and speed up mining projects.

As a result, TKV’s subsidiaries were able to produce 10.5 million tons of raw coal in the first quarter, 26% of the annual target. TKV sold nearly 12 million tons, earning an estimated 1.2 billion USD.

Nguyen Manh Tuong, a TKV official, said: “The COVID-19 pandemic has directly affected the sector’s production and trading, working conditions, and workers’ income. But the first quarter’s results prove that our epidemic prevention measures were efficient. We achieved our basic production and trading targets, and even exceeded some targets.”

Quang Ninh maintained a Gross Regional Domestic Product growth of 7.2% in the first quarter thanks to stable growth in its industry, agriculture, forestry, and fisheries sectors.

In the second quarter and the remaining months of 2020, industry and construction will be the key to compensating for tourism and services - the sectors most seriously affected by COVID-19.

The coal industry will increase this year’s output from 40.5 million tons to at least 41 million tons and ensure sufficient coal for thermoelectric plants to produce 38.6 billion kWh.

To that end, provincial authorities have worked closely with the coal sector to accelerate land clearance for major projects and with the Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment in seeking the Prime Minister’s approval for a number of coal mines to expand production.

Ngo The Phiet, Director of Núi Béo Coal Company, said: “Leaders of the Group and Quang Ninh province have given detailed instructions to promptly deal with arising issues, especially issues relating to the planning of coal depots, dumping, and changes to pit mine areas. We have prepared to mechanize construction sites, increase production capacity, repair open-cast equipment, and speed up exploitation output before the rainy season.”

Quang Ninh has accelerated the implementation of key investment projects and put a number of processing and manufacturing facilities into operation.

Nguyen Van Thang, Chairman of the provincial People’s Committee, said that investors will be found for public investment projects and maximum support will be given to projects that can be begun this year.

“We will offer the most favorable conditions for production and business activities in order to boost the State budget. Local departments and agencies should encourage a strong sense of responsibility and professional ethics and promptly solve administrative bottlenecks to ease difficulties for businesses,” said Thang.

