Cloudify Vietnam— pioneer in digital transformation for SMEs

(VOVWORLD) - As one of the pioneering enterprises helping small-to-medium enterprises (SMEs) in Vietnam move towards digital transformation, Cloudify Vietnam JSC has increased investment and research on building relevant solutions, which is well-received and has earned multiple prestigious awards.

Cloudify Vietnam— pioneer in digital transformation for SMEs - ảnh 1Founder and CEO of Cloudify Vietnam Hoang Minh Quan. (Photo: Cloudify)

Cloudify Vietnam surpassed 800,000 enterprises across the country to be awarded one of the ten companies with the best digital solutions at the "Vietnam Top Brands " award ceremony in 2021. Cloudify’s winning product is “Cloudify ERP - comprehensive digital transformation for SMEs". Cloudify Vietnam has also been trusted with research by the Vietnamese Government, and developing digital transformation solutions for SMEs in 2022.

SMEs play an important role in developing the digital economy, according to Founder and CEO of Cloudify Vietnam Hoang Minh Quan. SMEs are increasingly important to digital transformation. They have run into many challenges due to limited budget, infrastructure, and human resource capacity for information technology. Cloudify Vietnam came up with Cloudify ERP - comprehensive digital transformation for SMEs as a comprehensive management solution that allows enterprises to operate, monitor, and manage their business production, logistics, sales, accounting, human resources, and marketing on a single platform. This solution allows enterprises to manage their business on all operation systems or internet connected mobile devices.

Instead of buying an entire digital platform, enterprises may use and pay a monthly subscription, similar to paying telecommunication fees. This means that enterprises can use technological platforms at a reasonable price.

Alongside Cloudify ERP, Cloudify Vietnam also developed many other effective solutions to help the business community (including SMEs) execute digital transformation effectively amid high fees, and limited infrastructures and tech-savy human resources.

Hoang Minh Quan, founder of Cloudify Vietnam said: "We’ve been working with other digital transformation platforms in Vietnam to research and develop technology models to solve challenges facing SMEs. We have come up with a model called Software as a Service (SaaS), an important model for enterprises in Vietnam and SMEs to approach modern digital platforms with high value."

"We have also developed cloud technology to help enterprises download important data with a single click to their devices. This technology also helps enterprises approach highly productive technology such as Artificial Intelligence, Block Chain, Internet of Things,...We have also developed mobile applications to help enterprises easily approach elementary workers," he added.

Cloudify Vietnam has successfully executed over 2000 digital transformation projects for the distribution and production of enterprises in: FnB, Mechanics, Real Estate, Clothing, Cosmetics, Medicines, Interiors, Construction, Paints,... with a high-profile customer portfolio such as: Hanfimex, Zin Food, Kuong Ngan, Tekland, KCT Vietnam, Hanteco, Bao Minh Plastic, Tri Wall Vietnam, Gomi, Liphoco,... Cloudify also cooperated regularly and closely with top partners such as VietinBank, and strong technology platforms such as Haravan,, RUNSYSTEM,...

On May 12, Cloudify Vietnam received "The Best Solution 2021" award as a part of Vietnam Online Business Forum 2022 organized in Hanoi. Vietnam Online Business Forrum is an annual forum organized by Vietnam E-Commerce Association to honor excellent domestic enterprises and technology products, against thousands of technological enterprises.

Hoang Minh Quan, founder of Cloudify Vietnam proudly stated, "We are aware that we have to be the pioneer and strive to connect with other digital transformation platform, with other Make in Vietnam enterprises in order to create a comprehensive Make in Vietnam ecosystem to help Make in Vietnam enterprises digitally transform faster and stronger."

"What's important is that enterprises execute digital transformation successfully, rather than which platform they choose, so that they can make full use of the potential for development in a digital economy and contribute to the development of our nation", Quan added.

Cloudify Vietnam has made it their goal to execute digital transformation for 100.000 enterprises in 2025, challenging and ambitious, but at the same time a realistic goal. In order to achieve this, leaders and staff at Cloudify are determined to research, learn and build new, realistic, and effective technological solutions.

Annie Huynh, Creative Chief Officer (CCO) at Cloudify Vietnam said, "With the rate and demands for digital transformation after the pandemic has been controlled, Cloudify's success can be considered a big step forward. Currently, Cloudify's staff members are focusing on building the products that allow Vietnamese wisdom to serve Vietnamese people and help SMEs strengthen their digital transformation as well as our nation's economy"

According to founder Hoang Minh Quan, Cloudify's goal to assist SMEs to execute digital transformation will be successful and motivate the spirit of digital transformation in all sectors, industries, and enterprises across the country.

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