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Da Nang city has imposed a social distancing order, which requires to stay at home as much as possible to prevent the spread of the coronavirus. From early morning Monday, people rush to offices before 8 a.m. as they are allowed to use the "3 on-site" model: eating, sleeping, and working in the same place.
On-duty officials begin their work at checkpoints from 7 a.m. on August 16. Local police dispatch 200 mobile patrol teams to administer lockdown measures across the city.
All streets throughout Da Nang are left deserted after 8 a.m. when the lockdown order takes effective.
Dragon bridge in the center of Da Nang city is deserted.
Only patrol officials are permitted to parol the streets, such as Hoang Sa, Vo Nguyen Giap, and Truong Sa.
Con, one of the largest wet markets in Da Nang, shuts down from the evening of August 15.
Barriers are set up throughout residential areas to identify Green Zones, coronavirus-free areas.
Immediately after lockdown measures come into effect, healthcare workers conduct COVID-19 testing for all residents, aiming to separate infection cases from the community and identify high-risk areas.
Public places are taken care during social distancing period.
Sanitary workers come to collect rubbish from each house.

Da Nang on first day of one-week lockdown

(VOVWORLD) - A seven-day lockdown has come into force starting 8 a.m. August 16 in Da Nang city, with measures leaving the central city vastly different compared to normal days.