Film photography – making a comeback

(VOVWORLD) - It’s easy to take great pictures with a smart phone or digital camera. But film cameras seem to be regaining popularity among young photography enthusiasts who take an interest in vintage arts.

Using a film camera requires the photographer to focus the lens, select film speed and exposure, protect film, and get the film developed. But mastery of film photography brings a kind of satisfaction that is missing from digital photography.

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It’s not easy to choose the right film camera

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Camera shop owners explain to young customers the facts about film cameras.

Film photography – making a comeback - ảnh 5Using film cameras is a growing trend among young photographers. 
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Tran Ha Thanh of Hanoi is interested in film cameras.

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Old photos with film cameras are something that cannot be got with digital cameras.

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The camera shutter sound appeals to young photographers who like being reminded of the past.

Film photography – making a comeback - ảnh 10 Ha Thanh always has a film camera with him.
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Lab 36+ is a popular place to get film developed.

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Today, there are machines that can print a roll of film automatically.

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Developing and printing a roll of film costs 1.5 to 2 USD.

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Photos are being returned to their owners

 Here are some photos taken with a film camera:

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Hoi An on a rainy day (Photo: Hai Ha)

Film photography – making a comeback - ảnh 23 Street vendors in Hoi An (Photo: Hai Ha)

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Summer in closed eyes 1 (Photo: Ha Thanh)

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Summer in closed eyes 2 (Photo: Ha Thanh)

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Dreamy Da Lat. (Photo: Ha Thanh)

Film photography – making a comeback - ảnh 27 Follow the sun (Photo: Ha Thanh)

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Windy days (Photo: Hai Ha)

