Garbage collection in Bac Ninh's COVID-19 isolation areas

(VOVWORLD) - Waste disposal is an essential part of ensuring a hygienic environment in isolation areas in the coronavirus hotspot of Thuan Thanh district in Bac Ninh province.

Garbage collection in Bac Ninh's COVID-19 isolation areas - ảnh 1

Since May 9 Thuan Thanh district has undergone five days of social distancing as part of Vietnam’s COVID-19 fight. Maintaining a hygienic environment in isolation areas is another part of that fight.

Garbage collection in Bac Ninh's COVID-19 isolation areas - ảnh 2

A truck loaded with garbage arrives at a waste treatment area.

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All of the waste is thoroughly disinfected by workers before treatment.

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Workers learn about the process of garbage treatment in isolation areas in order to prevent the spread of the SARS-CoV-2 virus.

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Sterilizing garbage ensures that environmental hygiene standards are maintained in isolation areas. Pictured are several bins being disinfected before returned to isolation areas.

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Bins are painted different colours in order to facilitate separating different types of waste for waste treatment.

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Cotton, masks, and tissues are tied up in plastic bags.

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Disinfection is part of fighting COVID-19 in isolation areas.

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In recent days, Thuan Thanh district has been deserted. Many business are, and local people have been urged to leave their home only if necessary.

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Police tighten check-points as they strive to control the spread of the coronavirus.

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So far Thuan Thanh district has confirmed more than 100 COVID-19 cases, and is now one of the nation’s COVID-19 hotspots.

