Livestream Trump-Biden face-off 8 AM September 30 (Vietnam time) on VOVworld

(VOVWORLD) - President Donald Trump and Democratic candidate Joe Biden will face each other in the first presidential debate in Cleveland, Ohio, at 8 AM September 30 (Vietnam time). VOVworld  will livestream the debate.

Livestream Trump-Biden face-off 8 AM September 30 (Vietnam time) on VOVworld - ảnh 1Presidential debate in Cleveland, Ohio, is scheduled to last 90 minutes (Photograph: Eric Baradat/AFP/Getty Images) 

President Donald Trump and Democratic candidate Joe Biden will face each other in the first presidential debate in Cleveland, Ohio. Millions of voters will be watching live and compare policies and personality of the two candidates at the first session in three debate sessions before election day on  November 3.

The debate will have six 15-minute segments. It will run for 90 minutes. Fox News host Chris Wallace will be moderating. The six topics are: records of President Trump and former vice-president Joe Biden, the supreme court, Covid-19, the economy, race and violence in US cities and integrity of the election.

