12th National Party Congress to open

12th National Party Congress to open - ảnh 1

(VOVworld) – The 12th National Party Congress will take place in Hanoi from January 20th to 28th. The Congress will review the implementation of the 11th Congress’s resolution and Vietnam’s renewal process over the past 3 decades. It will also set out orientations and tasks for national development and defense in the next 5 years. Delegates will select the Party Central Committee for the 12th tenure. 1510 delegates representing 4.5 million Party members will attend the Congress. Head of the Party Central Committee's Commission for Education and Communications Dinh The Huynh said:“The Congress is themed: Promoting transparent Party building, tapping national strength, accelerating the renewal process, protecting national independence and sovereignty, ensuring an environment of peace and security, and turning Vietnam into a modern industrialized nation”.

