2nd Patriotic Emulation Congress of the industry and trade sector

(VOVworld) – Deputy Prime Minister Hoang Trung Hai spoke highly of the industry and trade sector’s achievements during its Patriotic Emulation Movement over the past 5 years.

2nd Patriotic Emulation Congress of the industry and trade sector   - ảnh 1
Deputy Prime Minister Hoang Trung Hai (C) and outstanding individuals honored at the industry and trade sector's patriotic emulation congress.

He addressed the sector’s congress honoring outstanding organizations and individuals in emulation movement: “Patriotic emulation movement should contribute to stabilizing the macro-economy, resolving obstacles for businesses, and developing the domestic and export markets. The sector is urged to have measures to expand the distribution network, supply and demand connection, and consumption. It’s necessary to continue carrying on administrative reform and improving its management capability.”

