47th SEAMEC conference kicks off

(VOV) – The 47th Southeast Asian Minister of Education Council Conference (SEAMEC 47) kicked off on Wednesday in Hanoi to review its projects over the past 2 years and work out future plans.

47th SEAMEC conference kicks off  - ảnh 1

State President Truong Tan Sang said with its initiatives and measures, the Southeast Asian Minister of Education Organization (SEAMEO) is bringing into full play its active role in developing high quality human resources for the region and promoting exchange and cooperation between SEAMEO member countries and other organizations. Mr. Sang: "I hope that at this conference, the participants will discuss and approve specific measures to implement the 10- year development strategy approved by 46th SEAMEC. The participants will exchange experience and new initiatives and work out measures to promote lifelong learning and building learning societies in each member country. As chair of the SEAMEO Council for the 2013-2015 period, Vietnam will do its utmost, together with other member countries, to fulfill the signed documents and programs of the organization, for the development and prosperity of each member country, and for peace, stability, cooperation and development in Southeast Asia and the world".

On the same day, a signing ceremony was held to establish the SEAMEO CELL lifelong learning center in Ho Chi Minh city and begin a SEAMEO Forum project supported by the Asian Development Bank.

On this occasion, SEAMEO officially accepted the UK as its 8th member. A forum themed "Lifelong Learning: Vision and Policy” also took place in the framework of the conference, where participants discussed their experiences with lifelong learning and building learning societies. The Council also discussed building learning societies in Southeast Asia and SEAMEO’s efforts to build an 1ASEAN Community by 2015.



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