ASEAN – China informal Senior Officials Meeting

(VOVworld) - The ASEAN – China informal Senior Officials Meeting has taken place in Pattaya, Thailand.

ASEAN – China informal Senior Officials Meeting  - ảnh 1

The Vietnamese delegation led by Deputy Foreign Minister Pham Quang Vinh attended the event. During the talk, ASEAN and China underlined the importance of fully implementing the Declaration on the Conduct (DOC) of Parties in the East Sea and starting negotiations on building the Code of Conducts of Parties in the East Sea. Both sides agreed to issue a joint statement to mark the 10th anniversary of the signing of DOC next month.

Deputy Foreign Minister Pham Quang Vinh, stressed on the significance of the strategic partnership for peace and prosperity between ASEAN and China. He also emphasized the effective cooperative activities contained in the ASEAN – China Action plan for 2011 to 2015 including fully implementing the DOC and moving towards the COC. Regarding the East Sea issue, Mr. Vinh said that all related parties need to boost cooperation and build up trust on the basis of respecting international laws including the 1982 UN Convention on the Law of the Sea. With the COC, Mr. Vinh said it is of common concern and benefit to both ASEAN, China and the greater region, so all parties should soon start negotiations on the COC, so it becomes a tool that assures peace, stability, and maritime security in the East Sea and resolve conflicts in a peaceful manner. He added ASEAN needs to show responsibility and take a central role in this process for regional peace, security and development.

