ASEAN Inter-Parliamentary Assembly Caucus continues

(VOVworld) - The 5th ASEAN Inter-Parliamentary Assembly (AIPA) Caucus, AIPA Caucus 5, is taking place in the Central Highlands province of Lam Dong. 60 representatives from 9 AIPA members, the AIPA Secretariat, and the ASEAN Secretariat reviewed the implementation of the 33rd AIPA General Assembly’s resolution and discussed two important regional and global issues of green growth and poverty reduction. Delegates will examine national initiative and joint legislation capacity.

ASEAN Inter-Parliamentary Assembly Caucus continues - ảnh 1

On Sunday, Vietnam National Assembly Vice Chairwoman Tong Thi Phong received the heads of delegations and international organizations attending the event. Phong expressed her belief that the meeting will make practical recommendations to be submitted to the upcoming 34th AIPA General Assembly for consideration.

