China says it’s ready to open any form of contact with the Philippines

(VOVworld) - China is open to any form of communication with the Philippines, said Chinese Foreign Ministry spokesperson Hua Chunying on Wednesday, commenting on a Bejing visit by Manila's special envoy, former Philippine President Fidel Ramos.
China says it’s ready to open any form of contact with the Philippines - ảnh 1
China is open to any form of communication with the Philippines, said Chinese Foreign Ministry spokesperson Hua Chunying (Source: THX/TTXVN)
Hua emphasized that China and the Philippines are traditionally friendly neighbors. She suggested that the two countries should make joint efforts to improve bilateral ties, resume dialogues and cooperation, and promote stable development relations.
On Monday, Ramos arrived in Hong Kong as a special envoy of Philippine President Rodrigo Duterte. The visit was widely expected to pave the way for talks with Beijing after the East Sea ruling of the Permanent Court of Arbitration (PCA) in The Hague. At a press conference in HongKong, Ramos said his mission is not to negotiate, but to pave the way, break the ice, and rekindle the friendship the two countries had during his presidency. 

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