Deputy PM Nhan receives Korean Audit chief

Deputy PM Nhan receives Korean Audit chief - ảnh 1

(VOVworld) – Deputy Prime Minister Nguyen Thien Nhan on Saturday received Kun Yang, Chairman the Republic of Korea’s (RoK) Board of Audit and Inspection (BAI) in Hanoi. Both sides discussed and shared their experiences in corruption prevention, complaints settlement and capacity building for inspectors and auditors. Deputy PM Nhan said Vietnam and the Republic of Korea shared similarities in culture and potential cooperation, paving the way for both countries to forge closer ties. He expressed his hope that both sides continue multi-faceted cooperation, especially experience sharing in human resources development. Earlier, Chief Auditor Dinh Tien Dung received BAI Chairman Kun Yang in Hanoi. He underlined the fruitful cooperation between the State Audit of Vietnam and the Republic of Korea’s Board of Audit and Inspection, following their signing of a cooperation agreement in 2007.

