Dialogue, negotiation "the only right path" to settle Iranian nuclear issue

China’s Ambassador to the UN Li Baodong said on Tuesday that the only way to solve the Iranian nuclear issue is through dialogue and negotiation.  

Dialogue, negotiation

At a meeting of the UN Security Council yesterday/ on Tuesday, Mr. Li said "China is firmly against the use or threat of force, and calls upon all parties to refrain from any actions or words that may lead to confrontation. Dialogue and negotiation constitute the only right path to a proper settlement of the Iranian nuclear issue". The ambassador emphasized that sanctions are not an end to the resolution in itself. "China is not in favor of exerting excessive pressure on Iran nor imposing unilateral sanctions against it”. He called on concerned parties to show flexibility, respect and promote diplomatic efforts to narrow their differences through dialogue.

Later the same day, a spokesperson for Iran’s Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Ramin Mehmanparast stated that Tehran is serious about its nuclear negotiations with the global powers next Tuesday. He said their success depends on the active cooperation of the P5+1 group during the negotiations.

