Dutch embassy staff leave Yemen

The Netherlands pulled its embassy staff out of Sana, the capital of Yemen, this week, fearing a terrorist attack. Dutch Minister of Foreign Affairs Frans Timmermans took the measure after receiving new information from various intelligence agencies that some Western countries including the Netherlands are potential targets of imminent terror attacks. There was no specific threat against the Dutch embassy previously, but the deteriorating security situation in Yemen forced the Dutch Ministry of Foreign Affairs to close the embassy, following the example of the US, the UK, France, and Germany.

Dutch embassy staff leave Yemen - ảnh 1
The deteriorating security situation in Yemen forces the US and several Western countries to close their embassies. (Photo: Reuters)

The Ministry said it is a temporary measure. The US and other Western countries closed their embassies last weekend because a source reported that Al Qaeda leader Ayman al-Zawahiri had ordered an attack.    

