Egyptians strike against constitutional declaration

 Egyptians strike against constitutional declaration   - ảnh 1
Photo: AFP

Thousands of people on Tuesday protested the constitutional declaration of President Mohamed Morsi. In Cairo, thousands gathered in Tahrir Square to demand that the government resign. Protesters said they will not leave Tahrir Square until the President cancels the constitutional declaration. Conflicts occurred between the police and the protesters. Protests also broke out at the same time in other Egyptian cities. In Alexandria, hundreds gathered at Qaitbay Square shouting a slogan condemning the Muslim Brotherhood to “stealing Egypt’s revolutionary achievements”. Two other protests took place in Alexandria on Tuesday and protests were scheduled to start in the Nile Delta and Middle Egypt. The European Union (EU) threatened to cut economic aid to Egypt if President Morsi persists in undemocratic action. IFM officials will meet in December to decide whether to approve loans for Egypt.

