International seminar on East Sea to open in Russia

(VOVworld) – The 2nd international seminar entitled “Security and cooperation in the East Sea: burning issues and ways to address conflicts” will open in Moscow on Thursday.

International seminar on East Sea to open in Russia - ảnh 1
The workshop was first held in Moscow, in October, 2013. (Photo: Baodatviet)

Organized by the Institute of Oriental Studies of the Russian Academy of Sciences, the seminar is expected to attract Russian politicians, diplomats, researchers, and international experts from the US, EU, Japan, India, and Singapore. The seminar includes 4 sessions on general issues related to disputes in the East Sea, namely: the East Sea situation from current geopolitics; the East Sea situation and risks of regional militarization and arm races; legal aspects and policies of external forces regarding the East Sea conflict; and measures to address current conflicts, prospects for peace and stability in Southeast Asia. Delegates will analyze developments and trends of the East Sea dispute, propose ideas and solutions to deescalate tensions and resolve differences.

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