Israel frees 26 Palestinian prisoners

Israel frees 26 Palestinian prisoners - ảnh 1
A freed Palestinian prisoner is hugged by his mother (right) upon his arrival near Erez Crossing, between Israel and northern Gaza Strip. (Photo: Reuters)

(VOVworld) - Israeli authorities on Tuesday began to free the third group of 26 Palestinian prisoners as part of the ongoing US-brokered agreement to resume direct peace talks with the country.

Addressing in front of thousands of people, Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas pledged to continue pressing for the release of other long-serving and sick inmates. He affirmed that there will not be a final peace deal with Israel before all the prisoners are released.

In a statement published on the same day by Palestinian news agency Wafa, President Abbas said Palestine will continue the 9-month Middle East peace talks with Israel with the US as intermediary.

Along with the release of additional Palestinian prisoners, Israeli Prime Minsiter Benjamin Netanyahu approved a plan to build 1,400 new settlements in the Palestine-occupied area in the West Bank. The move is said to have infuriated a number of Israeli hardliners in the administration.



