Japan, Vietnam enhance bilateral ties

Japan, Vietnam enhance bilateral ties - ảnh 1
Japanese Ambassador to Vietnam Yasuaki Tanizaki

(VOVworld)- Vietnam and Japan will celebrate the 40th anniversary of the establishment of their diplomatic ties this year. Despite ups and downs in the two countries’ relationship in the last 4 decades, Vietnam and Japan are now strategic cooperation partners. Speaking to reporters on the occasion of the New Year 2013, Japanese Ambassador to Vietnam Yasuaki Tanizaki said since the two countries established the diplomatic relation, the bilateral friendship has been strengthened, especially cooperation in trade and investment. Due to the fine development of bilateral cooperation, Japan pledged to support Vietnam to implement its target of completing industrialization and modernization by 2020. The Japanese Ambassador said the two countries have prepared several programs to celebrate the 40th anniversary of their diplomatic ties this year. In Japan, this event has received support from several organizations, enterprises and individuals. These events will focus on the younger generation aiming to help them further understand and promote the fine relationship between the two countries.

