Khanh Hoa province opens mobile gallery on Truong Sa archipelago

(VOVworld) – A week-long exhibition featuring 70 photos of Truong Sa (Spratly) archipelago taken by journalist-photographer Tran Minh Ngoc concluded Wednesday in Nha Trang city, Khanh Hoa province. The “Beloved Truong Sa” exhibition organized by the Vietnam Association of Photographic Artists and the Literature and Arts Association of Khanh Hoa province grew out of Ngoc’s several trips to the archipelago.

Khanh Hoa province opens mobile gallery on Truong Sa archipelago - ảnh 1
Journalist-photographer Tran Minh Ngoc stands beside his pictures. (

At a closing ceremony, the organizers presented 6 large photos to 6 local schools, a photo of the emerald Buddha statue in the Big Truong Sa pagoda to Nha Trang city’s Van Duc pagoda, and 2 photos of Nha Trang’s landscape to Truong Sa island district. Ngoc said: "Photos of Truong Sa archipelago will be displayed where students can easily access them. I hope these images will encourage the younger generation to follow their ancestors in defending Truong Sa and Hoang Sa archipelagos".

The provincial Literature and Arts Association and the Journalists Association will continue the mobile Truong Sa archipelago gallery locally.       

