Law on Advertising tops NA session

A draft law on advertising topped the National Assembly’s discussion on Monday. As advertising is a strong economic sector with revenue of 10 billion USD annually, the deputies suggested the Ministry of Information and Communication to take over the task from the Ministry of Culture, Sports and Tourism to control the advertising sector. Ms Nguyen Thuy Trang is a deputy from HCM City. “With its current function, the Ministry of Information and Communication has a system to control content of information and advertising. If the Ministry of Culture, Sports and Tourism is assigned to inspect and handle violations in advertising, it will have to set up a system to read newspapers and listen to radio. It would be an overlapping between the two ministries”, Trang said. The deputies proposed relevant agencies resolutely punish non-educational and in aesthetic advertisements and ban advertisement on alcohol and beers, which are the main cause of traffic accidents. The same day, the deputies discussed the draft law on tertiary education and adopted the resolution on central budget allocation for next year. 


