Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment marks 10th founding anniversary

Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment marks 10th founding anniversary - ảnh 1

(VOVworld) – The Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment on Sunday held a ceremony to mark the 10th anniversary of its foundation and to receive the Ho Chi Minh Order. Prime Minister Nguyen Tan Dung, former President Tran Duc Luong, Deputy PM Hoang Trung Hai and National Assembly Vice Chairman Uong Chu Luu were among the attendees. PM Dung urged the ministry to successfully implement the Party and state’s policies on socio-economic development, modernize technologies, improve meteorological forecasts, monitor climate change and ensure sustainable development. He also called on the sector to work harder to improve people’s awareness on protecting natural resources and the environment, strengthen international cooperation and win further support from the world community in safeguarding national sea and island territorial integrity. On this occasion, the PM conferred the Ho Chi Minh Order, a high distinction of the Party and State for the ministry’s great contributions national construction and defence.

