Ministry of Public Security celebrates 50th anniversary of VN – Laos diplomatic

(VOVworld) – The Ministry of Public Security today/ on Friday held a ceremony to mark the 50th anniversary of Vietnamese-Laotian diplomatic ties and the police force’s 67th founding anniversary.

Ministry of Public Security celebrates 50th anniversary of VN – Laos diplomatic - ảnh 1

Minister Tran Dai Quang stated that Vietnam and Laos close and faithful relationship has experienced test of time and both security forces have worked closely together to combat trans-national crime, especially drug trafficking. At the event, Laos Minister for Public Security Thoong Ban Seng A Phon, conferred the Isala Freedom Order to the Ministry’s leaders as well as several others to outstanding collectives and individuals. This is in recognition of their contribution to the fight against crime and bilateral relations between the two countries.

