NA debates revised Laws on Publication and the Capital

(VOVworld)- The National Assembly’s deputies on Saturday debated the revised Laws on Publication and the Capital. They stressed the need to stipulate stricter regulations on the establishment of publishing houses and assigned the government to work out these regulations. The deputies said it’s necessary to further delegate the management of publication to localities to make this work more effective. According to the deputies, punishments on violation of the Law on publication should be stricter and the responsibilities of publishers more specific. The deputies proposed a separate Chapter on e-publication and issuance as internet is developing rapidly. Tran Hong Tham, a NA deputy from Can Tho city said: “I think the government should be assigned to devise detail regulations for e-publication. The government will research and get experience from inside and outside the country to make the regulations flexible and meet the demands of the current trend”.

The same day, the deputies discussed the Capital Law, which is expected to be adopted at this NA session. After the previous session of the National Assembly, the government assigned the Ministry of Justice to coordinate with Hanoi People’s Committee to draft the law.

