NA discusses Law on Tobacco Harm Prevention

Deputies at the on-going National Assembly on Wednesday, 16 November 2011 discussed  the draft law on prevention and the fight against tobacco in a plenary session. The majority of them proposed for an increase in taxes and fees, and tougher sanctions against smoking in public places. Each year, tobacco industry contributes close to 670 million USD to the state budget and that represents about 20, 000 jobs. Currently, 200 000 farmers are involved in tobacco growing. But the flip side does exist as 40,000 people die of cancer or smoking-related diseases every year. Deputies voted for precautionary labeling of cigarette packages. Bui Manh Hung, deputy of the central province of Binh Phuoc emphasized the need to standardize the warnings printed on cigarette packages. “The printing of warnings on cigarette packages must meet two ends. First of all, this is to remind smokers that there will be harmful effects on their health. It must also specify where smokers can smoke without harming people around them”, he said
 In the afternoon, deputies discussed in groups the draft amendments to the Labor Code and Law on Trade Union.

