NA discusses revised Land Law

(VOVworld) – NA Deputies on Monday discussed Revised Land Law at the ongoing 4th session.

NA discusses revised Land Law - ảnh 1

The participants agreed on the revised Land Law which stipulates that land belongs to the people with the State being as owners’ representative. The law also works out the target to issue certificates acknowledging land ownership to land users by next year. The deputies agreed that land prices should harmonize benefits of the State, people and investors. Land prices should be decided by the State, under the State’s management and in accordance with the market mechanism. Land compensation needs to be democratic, transparent and objective. Tran Ngoc Vinh is a Deputy from Hai Phong city: "Compensation for land acquisition and resettlement are key reasons behind increasing land-related complaints and petitions. It is necessary to revise State’s regulations on compensation and support for land reclamation. The compiling board should take into consideration that the new place for resettlement has value equivalent to the old one which has been confiscated. The State should provide more support so that those who relocated to other places can stabilize their life soon. The State also needs to increase compensation for the farmers whose land is confiscated and provide jobs  for them".

Some deputies said that land use is still wasteful and there remains much corruption. The revised Land Law should ensure economical and effective land use, bring into full play of land resource for socio-economic development and raise the effectiveness of State management. Deputy Nguyen Thanh Hai from Hoa Binh province said: "I suggested that the law should improve the mechanism of collecting ideas from scientists, experts and people in land planning and use. The law should include the legal value of collecting people’s ideas as well as the responsibility of the compiling board to present and explain land planning and use to the people. It is necessary to have frequent dialogues between the compiling board and the people, who give feedback to land-related legal documents".

The discussion was broadcast live on TV and radio.

