NA Standing Committee 14th session opens

(VOV) – The 14th session of the 13th National Assembly Standing Committee opens today. NA Chairman Nguyen Sinh Hung introduced the agenda of the session including the revised Land Law, the Law on National Defense Education, the Law on Anti-Terrorism, the Law on Natural Disaster Prevention and Mitigation, and the revised Law on Science and Technology.

NA Standing Committee 14th session opens - ảnh 1
National Assembly Chairman Nguyen Sinh Hung addressed the opening session (VNA)

The Committee is expected to adopt a resolution directing implementation of the NA resolution on votes of confidence on officials elected or approved by the NA or by People’s Councils. Regarding the revised Land Law, NA Chairman Hung said: "At this session, we will discuss further to make the law closer to reality and changes in land management, so as to minimize loopholes in the law, negative phenomena, corruption and slackened management. We also aim to minimize the use of land for wrong purposes, which causes waste of natural resources".

After the opening session on Monday, the Committee discussed the draft Law on National Defense Education including the scope of the law, the center on national defense education, and the consultancy agency on national defense education. The session will end on Wednesday.

