National Assembly deputies cast votes of confidence for 47 posts

(VOVworld) - A vote of confidence for 47 posts elected or approved by the National Assembly took place late Monday during the National Assembly’s 5th session. National Assembly Chairman Nguyen Sinh Hung told the deputies prior to the vote: “National Assembly deputies’ decisions are based on information from reports submitted by those to be voted on how they have fulfilled their duties and their moralities, from reports on the socio-economic situation, security, defense and foreign relations, reports by the National Assembly’s Standing Committee, the Ethnic Council and other committees regarding the implementation of the functions, duties and rights of National Assembly agencies. References can be reports by President, the government, ministries and sectors. But the most important is the objective and frank assessment of the deputies”.

National Assembly deputies cast votes of confidence for 47 posts  - ảnh 1
National Assembly Chairman Nguyen Sinh Hung

The results of the vote will be announced on Tuesday morning and a resolution confirming the results will be approved by the National Assembly afterwards.

Earlier, National Assembly Chairman Nguyen Sinh Hung reported on the implementation of Resolution 35 on the vote of confidence on those elected by the legislature and People’s Councils. He said this is the first time that the legislature practices its supreme power in personnel issues. He added that the deputies will represent voters nationwide to evaluate the performance of key posts in the state apparatus. He said “We should undertake our responsibilities before the people, party and state. Voting will include four stages. First, the National Assembly will approve the list of those subject to the vote of confidence. Second, the deputies will give their opinions to the vote of confidence. Third, the National Assembly Standing Committee will report on deputies’ discussions to the National Assembly, which will conduct the voting afterwards. Results of the vote will be announced tomorrow morning together with the passing of the resolution on the vote of confidence.”

Many newspapers have covered this unprecedented vote by the National Assembly. The People’s Army newspaper said the move not only demonstrates innovation in personnel supervision but also helps to improve the quality of the state apparatus. The Youth newspaper said the vote reflects voters’ faith in the legislature and those who are at the helm of the country.  


