National Assembly questions Minister of Home Affairs

National Assembly questions Minister of Home Affairs   - ảnh 1
Minister of Home Affairs Nguyen Thai Binh. Photo: Ngoc Thang/
(VOVworld) – On Tuesday National Assembly deputies questioned Minister of Home Affairs Nguyen Thai Binh about civil service downsizing plans, redundant deputy heads in state organizations, and recruiting talented people to state agencies. Minister Nguyen Thai Binh said a national project is being set up to address inappropriate promotion within government agencies, and that more will be done to attract talented people to work for the government. He said: "The Ministry of Home Affairs has been assigned by the Politburo to draft a proposal to train outstanding graduates. It aims to recruit 1000 outstanding students and young scientists to work in Party and State agencies by 2020. The proposal will be submitted for the Prime Minister’s approval as soon as possible. A Decree offering incentives to get talented people to work for the government is also being written. Strong measures will be taken to dismiss unqualified staff."

Minister Binh said his ministry has organized workshops nationwide on the first ever national project on job descriptions in state agencies at all levels. 24 local governments and a number of central agencies have already fulfilled the project which is scheduled to be completed by next June by at least 70% of state agencies and organizations. Minister Binh said of civil service downsizing plans: "The Prime Minister will issue a new Decree to replace Decree 132 with new regulations to support civil service downsizing plans for state agencies and local governments. This new Decree is expected to be applied by early next year. We acknowledge that these these schemes should be carried out at every level, not just at the central and district level, as stated by the Politburo before, so we are finalizing the plans for consideration at the upcoming Party Central Committee Plenum. Once approved, they will be institutionalized and put into practice."

In the afternoon session, Transport Minister Dinh La Thang will be questioned about transport infrastructure, the quality of transport projects, traffic safety, and ways to reduce traffic accidents.

