National Assembly Standing Committee debates betting and casino business

(VOVworld)- The National Assembly Standing Committee on Wednesday discussed the draft decrees on horse, greyhound and football betting and casino business. According to the deputies, betting is a conditional business, which is sensitive and impacts on economic, social, and cultural life as well as social security. They asked the government to take cautious consideration of the impacts of the decree, which aims to regulate these uncontrolled and negative activities. They stressed the need to add more conditions for improved control of betting activities, especially among those under 18. Phan Trung Ly is Head of the Law Committee of the National Assembly: “I support the regulatory permission of betting businesses and proposed that the National Assembly Standing Committee issue a resolution towards permission. I propose the government should thoroughly evaluate the positives and negatives if the betting business is approved”.

The same day, the deputies discuss the draft decree on casino businesses. Most of them agreed that this was a sensitive business, which should not be encouraged. Permitting Vietnamese people to gamble in casinos would have negative consequences, so only foreigners and overseas Vietnamese with passports should be allowed into casino. National Assembly Chairman Nguyen Sinh Hung stressed the need to tighten the management of casinos: “It’s important to know how many casinos there are in Vietnam and where they are. We also need to set conditions for licensing casinos and their number must be limited. It’s necessary to locate the casino in particular places of recreation and decide who will have the authority to grant the licenses to casino business”

National Assembly Standing Committee debates betting and casino business  - ảnh 1

The deputies discussed the Law on Plant Quarantine the same day. They stressed the need to tighten the management of plant protection chemicals.


