National seminar on theoretical work and research orientation until 2030

National seminar on theoretical work and research orientation until 2030  - ảnh 1
Head of the Party Central Committee's Commission for Communications and Education Dinh The Huynh addresses the seminar in Hanoi on March 11th, 2015.

(VOVworld) – A seminar on theoretical work and research direction until 2020 opened on Wednesday in Hanoi.  Head of the Party Central Committee's Commission for Communications and Education Dinh The Huynh highlighted the importance of the Politburo’s Resolution 37 regarding theoretical work and major directions until 2020 and with a vision towards 2030. He called for a thorough study and appropriate practical application of the resolution among Party members at all levels to better fulfill their tasks including the compilation of Party documents, as well as preparations for upcoming Party congresses at all levels and the 12th National Party Congress.

