Party leader Nguyen Phu Trong visits Quang Ninh province

(VOVworld)- Party leader Nguyen Phu Trong on Sunday held a working session with Quang Ninh’s Provincial Party Committee and key provincial leaders. The Party leader highlighted their determination in successfully implementing the resolutions of the province’s 18th Party Congress. He said: “Quang Ninh provincial authorities have showed their determination to move forward. They have more resolute and creative ways of working which have been resulted in many initiatives to boost the development in the province and the country as a whole”.

Party leader Nguyen Phu Trong visits Quang Ninh province - ảnh 1
Party leader Nguyen Phu Trong works with Quang Ninh Provincial Party Committee
Mr. Trong agreed with the 9 solutions and main tasks set out by the province. Regarding future tasks for Quang Ninh, the Party leader said: “Quang Ninh needs to continue restructuring the economy to lead the country in achieving the goals of national industrialization and modernization. However, it’s important to focus on improving services first, followed by industries, agriculture and fisheries.”
Party leader Nguyen Phu Trong visits Quang Ninh province - ảnh 2
Party leader Nguyen Phu Trong and Quang Ninh authorities

On Saturday, Party General Secretary Nguyen Phu Trong inspected the implementation of the 11th National Party Congress’ resolution in Van Don island district. He visited Ngoc Vung, Minh Chau, and Quan Lan communes and the project sites to build tourist services. Mr. Trong spoke highly of Van Don’s potential urging the district to focus on developing marine economy, protecting the environment, and safeguarding national sovereignty.

During a visit to the Quang Ninh Border Guard Command Committee on Sunday, Mr. Trong expressed his hope that the border soldiers would fulfill their tasks of safeguarding national sovereignty and territorial integrity, building a peaceful, friendly, and stable borderline, maintaining unity between people and soldiers, and enhancing mass mobilization and external affairs.  

