President attends 20th anniversary ceremony of Special Police Battalion No1

(VOVworld) – President Tran Dai Quang urged the Mobile Police and Special Police to effectively foil sabotage schemes of hostile, reactionary forces and criminals.

President attends 20th anniversary ceremony of Special Police Battalion No1 - ảnh 1
President Tran Dai Quang attends 20th anniversary ceremony of Special Police Battalion No1

At a ceremony to mark the 20th anniversary of the Special Police Battalion No1 in Hanoi on Thursday, the President called on the forces to provide absolute security to public events and successfully implement their tasks: “It’s necessary to hold drills and exercises on preventing and fighting unrests, and terrorism, and rescuing hostages. Efforts should be made to participate in “paying debts of gratitude” activities, poverty reduction, natural disaster recovery, socio-economic development, crime and social evil prevention, and safeguarding security and order.”

President Tran Dai Quang called on the police forces to expand cooperation with foreign special police forces in training, experience sharing, and technological support. 

